As 2019 comes to an end, it’s always enjoyable to look at the past year’s events and reminisce about the exciting memories you made in your RV. Few things complete a year, let alone a decade, like cherished experiences of meeting new people, absorbing new sights, and spending time with those you love. If you didn’t get to travel as much as you’d like in 2019, or if you’re looking for ways to spice up your wanderlust during 2022 and beyond, here are a few ways to enhance your RV treks:

Make Plans to RV More Often and Stick to Them

One of the most common life regret people mention is that they wished they would have traveled and experienced more. Many RVers frequently echo the sentiment that they need to hit the road more often, but without intentional planning behind those words, they rarely transform from wishful thinking into reality. This year, try to change your thinking from “It’d be nice to make it to that location soon” to “Let’s get that trip on the books.” Look at your calendar and budget, and take time to figure out how to realistically make it happen. Once you plan how to fit the trip into your schedule and budget, take a step that will cement those plans into the future, such as by reserving a campsite, no matter how far away the date is. It’s easy to think that you’ll get around to planning that trip in the future, but the more vague your plan is, the easier it is to put on the backburner. This year, be strategic, specific, and actionable with your travel plans, and you’ll end 2022 with far more memories decorated with the joy of travel. RV Out of Your Comfort Zone If you’re a creature of habit when it comes to RVing, consider making this the year that you branch out from the comfortable and familiar and into the exciting territory of the unknown. Whether it’s RVing to new destinations that are much farther than you usually go, staying at a famous amenity-filled campground, boondocking off of the grid, taking an extended trip, or even renting an RV overseas and embarking on an international adventure, there are countless ways to keep your RV life fresh and exciting. This year, enhance your RV travels and your zest for life by daring to do something different.

Join an RV Club or Attend Meet-Up Groups

If you get a bit lonely on the road or simply don’t know many other RVers, joining an RV club or a meet-up group is an excellent way to make new friends and get a healthy dose of companionship. RV Clubs like Escapees and meet-up groups for RVers can easily connect you with fellow travel pals, and they also allow you to find larger events and conventions. Similarly, many campgrounds will offer a calendar of events such as potlucks, outdoor treasure hunts, community bingo, etc. that allow you to socialize with your neighbors. Lastly, by joining social media groups dedicated to RVers and outdoor adventurists, you can easily make connections with people who share similar hobbies and interests.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint on the Road

Being on the road can make it tempting to give into convenience items like paper plates and plastic cutlery, and because it’s harder to recycle when you’re moving from place to place, it’s also easier to justify throwing recyclables out with the trash. As the importance of eco-friendly lifestyles are becoming more apparent, 2022 is a good time to change up some of your RV habits into ones that are more eco-friendly. Easy places to start include:
  • Keep cool by using your RV awning and shade blockers instead of blasting your air conditioner all day.
  • Turn off lights when you’re not using them, and only use a drip of water for brushing your teeth rather than turning the faucet on full blast.
  • Use reusable dishes.
  • Consider alternative energy sources, such as solar power.
  • Download apps that will direct you to the nearest recycling centers.
  • Use outdoor LED lights or keep campfires small, and never burn your trash in a fire.

Explore the Outdoors and Get Active

Anyone who has ever been on a road trip understands that it’s easy to justify eating junk food and getting fast food. Similarly, when you’re RVing, it’s natural to settle into vacation mode at the RV park where lounging comfortably underneath your awning and sipping a refreshing beverage is an ideal way to let your tension melt away. While relaxation should absolutely be a priority, it’s important to maintain healthy habits, especially if you plan on RVing frequently or taking extended trips. One of the best ways to do this is to choose destinations that allow for physical activity that is good for your body and is also enjoyable. One idea is to plan your trips so that each new destination you visit allows for fun exercise, such as a majestic hike or a refreshing swim at the beach. Many campgrounds have nature trails on-site that are perfect for an endorphin-producing bike ride, an enduring jog, or a leisurely long walk. When you are getting your exercise while discovering the awe-inspiring sights of what Mother Nature has to offer, you’ll feel much more incentivized to stay active than if you were heading to another day at the gym.

Closing Up

Hopefully these suggestions give you an idea of how you can make your 2022 RV trips more ubiquitous, thrilling, sociable, and healthy. It’s easy to fall into a routine, so make it a goal to enhance your travels and rediscover why you fell in love with the RV life in the first place. All it takes is the right amount of intention and imagination!

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